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Welcome to Remote

This weekend, I checked out from everything external. I'm not exaggerating when I say it was my favorite weekend.

I still haven't left my house since Friday and have been on my phone very little. I soaked up every minute with family.

Then, yesterday morning, my wife asked me to stay home for the week. I hadn't yet taken myself there mentally, but that forced immediate thoughts:

  • I stayed home, but what did all of my co-workers do? What about the others in the building? What about people coming in to our office?

  • I won't judge others decisions on what they did this weekend.

  • Symptoms may not show for 2 weeks? So, people who don't feel bad might carry the virus?

  • I'm not that concerned about getting the virus (silly in it's own right), but what if I passed the virus to someone who couldn't handle it?

  • There is no reason for me to be in the office, I can do everything remotely. I can self-manage.

As the "pace car" on the team, though it was crystal clear the responsible decision was to "STAY HOME!", I still felt angst about making the call to work from home.

But then I made that very call, well, 10 calls, and did so confidently. Talking to my teammates individually, it was clear that I have good people I can trust.

#covid19 #remoteworkforce ​#workfromhome


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© 2022 by Josh Haymond

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