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The Self-Promotion Gap

A troubling stat recently published by the Harvard Business Review, when looking at the gender gap in self-promotion, with men rating their performance 33% higher than equally performing women.

I can't say I'm surprised by this statistic, and let me be clear that women are nowhere close to at fault. Men have made it difficult for women to feel comfortable promoting successes. As a result, fewer women feel they have the space to highlight positives, ask for promotions, or discuss raises. In my experience, there seems to be a negative stigma towards women who are good self-promoters, whereas that same stigma would not rub off on an equally self-promoting male counterpart.

Men discuss career-minded women in the workplace as a "go getter", "hunter", I've even heard "killer." Some men may question a women's motive, perhaps due to the fact they feel more threatened by a powerful women colleague.

Male leaders must be acutely aware of these double standards. We must be better at creating an environment where women feel as comfortable as men navigating self-promotion.

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