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Devaluing Perfect

I’ve always considered myself to be highly analytical. Analytical is nice way of saying that I overthink situations more regularly than I underthink them. Like with anything, finding balance is key.

We all have our own finishing touches, important steps in a process, but not so important that they drastically slow down delivery of the end result.

The cost of continuous tweaking, re-wording, re-working and re-thinking is dangerous.

Insert the ol’ cost-benefit analysis.

1. Perfectionism is stressful – Trying to be perfect is unnatural. We are innately imperfect human beings, thus striving for something that we cannot achieve brings upon added anxiety. Save your anxious moments for taking on new challenges rather than fretting upon the right or wrong way to end a conversation or sentence.

2. Time as an opportunity cost – By spending an insane amount of time on the final 5% of a project you are foregoing the chance to direct your brain muscles to something far more rewarding, from both personal development and monetary perspectives.

3. There is no perfect, as perceived through the lens of someone else – My idea of perfection differs from your idea of perfection. Perfection is subjective. Rarely will someone read your report and say, “boy, this is perfect!” More likely, someone will read your report and say, “this is terrific!”

4. Obsession is fear in a cloak – When we are fearful of an outcome, we control what we can. We overcompensate by placing this enhanced burden on our shoulders – we tell ourselves that we will succeed if we micro-manage our own mind.

I’m not suggesting to not give your best. I am suggesting however that your best is not the stress-induced idea that you may believe to your best.

Your best is your best because it comes natural.


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