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6 Keys to Giving Feedback

As noted in last week's post, there are plenty of ways we can make receiving feedback easier.

Giving feedback is just as important, as it challenges us to step outside of our personal bubbles in hopes of developing another.

Several points to consider:

1. Lead with a positive, if there is one – Point out what someone did well before diving into development points. Don’t make something up, but rather find a true positive for the feedback receiver to hang their hat on.

2. Relate – The feedback we give is a direct result of our awareness a situation. That awareness often comes from having worked through a similar issue. Share how you, too, have dealt with this in the past.

3. Know the audience – Receiving feedback can be a challenging pill to swallow. Always be comfortably nurturing and positive in your delivery, but be more mindful when dealing with someone who has lower self-confidence.

4. Provide examples – Giving feedback is meaningless unless supported with the instance where it triggered your awareness. Bring to life the situation for the feedback receiver by sharing when you noticed.

5. Listen – There’s a possibility that you had not considered a factor in the “why” behind someone’s action. Your way is not always right, so be open to hearing the other side of things.

6. Brainstorm next steps – Go into the conversation with potential next steps but be amenable to adjusting these next steps as you listen. This should be a collaborative discussion rather than you telling. You need the feedback receiver to want it.

The silver lining in giving feedback – you are likely to develop yourself further in the process.


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